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The DateKeepers Blog
Welcome to The DateKeepers Blog, where we publish exclusive op-eds, commentaries, articles, essays, insights, and resources for authors, profile high-achieving individuals, and showcase our fellow writers' work. Enjoy what we do? Help us keep doing it: make a donation or subscribe to access our premium content.

Mekiya Outini
Jan 245 min read
Thinking I Was Privileged Hurt Worse than Knowing I Was Poor
The concept of "privilege" is a blunt instrument. Let's rethink the word—and the reasons it's used.

Itto Outini
Jan 14 min read
Trial by Fire: My Thoughts on the New York City Subway Murder
What I know about the victim—and the perpetrator—of the the 12/22/24 New York City subway murder.

Itto Outini
Nov 23, 20246 min read
Not Just an Aphorism: Hard Work Always Does Pay Off
Americans, please remember what you knew about hard work, not so very long ago.

Mekiya Outini
Nov 10, 20245 min read
So You Want to Change the World?
When they said, "Get involved," what did they mean?

Itto Outini
Oct 20, 20244 min read
Is He Racist? My Take on the Most Important Film of the Year
Just how racist is Matt Walsh, really?

Itto Outini
Sep 12, 20249 min read
Do We Really Have to Go with the Flow? – The Reality Behind Remittances
What are remittances, and where are they going?

Itto Outini
Mar 10, 20244 min read
To Be or Not to Be Is Not the Question: Why We Need the Meritocracy
Were you hired to do? Or to be?

Richard Vogel
Feb 11, 20245 min read
Do I Know You?: A Rant about Labels and the Conflicts They Feed
"Prejudice happens when we start to believe that we know each other simply because we know each other’s labels."

Mekiya Outini
Jan 21, 202411 min read
A Good Olfaction Romance: Noses, Telegraphs, Christian Virtue, and Uncanny Vice in Ella Cheever Thayer’s Wired Love
Noses remind us of all that the Puritans hoped to repress, which telegraphy promised to replace.

The Outinis
Oct 15, 20238 min read
Hope, However Chill the Land and Sore the Storm
Itto and Mekiya Outini examine the phenomenon of hope, the selection pressures that produced it, and the evolutionary niche it fills.

Itto Outini
Sep 18, 20238 min read
The Witches Within
A born skeptic, Itto Outini was nonetheless swayed by the power of witchcraft—but not in the way that the witches intended.

The Outinis
Aug 24, 202311 min read
ChatGPT is Here, and We are Not Afraid
"Why," ask the Outinis, "are so many creatives so afraid of getting displaced by a technology that’s not, in fact, capable of creativity?"

Mekiya Outini
Jul 24, 202313 min read
No News is Good News
Mekiya Outini seeks better ways to engage with the news in the 21st-century's post-truth media landscape.

The Outinis
Jun 26, 20236 min read
Banking on a Myth
In this co-authored commentary, the Outinis ask, "If we're going to let ideas possess us, shouldn't we ask them what they mean to do?"

Mekiya Outini
Apr 20, 202312 min read
It Just Gets Butter and Butter
A bad film prompts Mekiya to reflect on the relationship between nostalgia, creativity, imagination, accommodations, dinosaurs, and butter.

Mekiya Outini
Mar 6, 20237 min read
Left to My Own Devices
Mekiya faces up to the vexing reality that Itto is enamored with Siri, Alexa, and Google Home, whose appeal continues to elude him.
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